Biden Issues Executive Order Aimed at Safeguarding the Personal Data of American Citizens from Countries Deemed Hostile

On February 28, 2024, President Biden issued an Executive Order (EO)13873, Executive Order on Preventing Access to Americans’ Bulk Sensitive Personal Data and United States Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern, targeting transfers of bulk sensitive data to countries of concern. Under the Order, sensitive data is defined to include genomic data, biometric data, personal health data, geolocation data, financial data, and certain personal identifiers.

The Order is focused on data brokers, or entities that collect and process bulk data of US citizens. In the Order, President Biden encourages the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to take additional actions to protect the data of US citizens. This EO will not immediately impact AdTech or data brokers; however, as the CFPB will follow its own process. As always, this could change through the rulemaking process.

The key points of EO 13873 include:

  • The order aims to protect sensitive data from being transferred to nations that pose national security and privacy risks. (1)

  • It applies to federal agencies and their contractors involved in international data transfers, emphasizing the importance of securing critical information.

  • Federal agencies are directed to assess and review existing international data transfer agreements to ensure they align with national security interests.

  • The order emphasizes prioritizing data security and safeguarding sensitive information from potential threats.

  • Agencies are instructed to develop plans to implement the order's directives effectively and ensure compliance with its provisions.

Overall, the EO underscores the significance of protecting sensitive data and mitigating risks associated with international transfers, with a focus on national security and privacy concerns.

Where does Throtle stand?

At Throtle, we take privacy and personal information very seriously. We recognize the importance of safeguarding data privacy and trust and agree with the intent of this Order. We are steady in our commitment to adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing data protection and privacy. We not only support but champion the cause of consumer privacy rights and transparency. It is our belief that empowering consumers with clear, accessible information about how their data is used is fundamental to fostering trust and accountability. Therefore, we will continue to monitor this and other relevant laws to determine the implications for our industry. At Throtle, we understand that privacy is not a static concept but a dynamic commitment that requires vigilance, transparency, and dedication to the data we handle. We are committed to not just being compliant with privacy laws and regulations but to setting a benchmark for privacy and data protection in our industry.

For more information about our commitment to data, please visit our about us page or contact us today.


The People's Republic of China, including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China);

Republic of Cuba (Cuba);

Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran);

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea);

Russian Federation (Russia); and

Venezuelan politician Nicolás Maduro (Maduro Regime).


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