Omnichannel + AI: Emerging Discussions at Digital Pharma East 2023

The Digital Pharma East event recently concluded, and for many professionals in the pharmaceutical marketing sector, it was nothing short of engaging. With its comprehensive discussions and seminars, attendees were offered a deep dive into current issues and advancements in the healthcare space. A few key takeaways and standout topics from Throtle’s perspective:

The Omnipresent Omnichannel Challenge

The push for an omnichannel strategy in healthcare marketing is growing stronger. By enhancing the traditional multichannel approach, omnichannel requires meticulous orchestration of every platform to create a seamless experience for the user. However, the overarching sentiment at the event was clear: connecting the dots in omnichannel remains a challenge. Add compliance requirements to the mix and omnichannel becomes a hurdle that may seem unsurmountable, especially for health plans and systems. With technological advancements supporting complex omnichannel requirements, the necessity of precisely identifying healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients becomes even more paramount. Accurate, precise identification ensures that audiences are reached effectively, allowing for performance metrics to be evaluated. Also, the role of physician-level data (PLD) in driving the omnichannel engine was heavily underscored. PLD, with its rich insights into HCP behaviors and preferences, is the fuel that drives efficient and personalized marketing strategies.

Advanced Analytics, AI, and ML: Beyond the Hype

The role of advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning (ML) in refining healthcare technology and marketing strategies was a major talking point. Attendees were eager to explore how these capabilities can be advanced and integrated to serve their needs better. Despite the growing enthusiasm surrounding AI and ML, several questions loomed: Are they mere buzzwords? Or are they the future? Many are intrigued by platforms integrating AI/ML, but challenges persist. Bringing these technologies in-house remains a hurdle due to the specific systems, skillsets, and requirements they demand. The consensus? While AI and ML have potential, the industry awaits more use cases and tangible results. While these technologies are here to stay, their widespread adoption will be driven by real-world applications that demonstrate their efficacy.

Patient Journey: The Heart of Healthcare

A deep understanding of the patient journey is essential for brands. Recognizing that this journey is influenced by a myriad of stakeholders—from doctors and nurses to caregivers and care navigators—helps in tailoring communication strategies. The complexity of mapping and understanding the patient journey was a central concern, especially with the challenges posed by compliance regulations and the sensitivity surrounding Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Additionally, the lack of comprehensive data points makes targeting and measurement difficult. However, the overarching sentiment was hopeful. Despite the hurdles, health brands remain optimistic about leveraging planning and analytics to enhance the patient journey. The belief is that as the industry evolves, so will the solutions to these challenges.

The Future Awaits

While challenges persist, there's no denying that the future of pharmaceutical marketing is bright, powered by technological advancements and a deeper understanding of patient needs. For businesses looking to navigate this dynamic landscape efficiently, Throtle’s identity solutions emerge as a beacon. Tailored for healthcare, they prioritize accuracy, reach, and compliance. To explore how Throtle can align with your marketing goals, reach out to our team of experts today. In a rapidly evolving industry, events like Digital Pharma East serve as crucial touchpoints for professionals, offering insights, fostering discussions, and paving the way forward. Here's looking forward to next year!


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