Hey there, new friend!

I’m Sammy the Seagull, Throtle's official mascot and your feathery guide to all things Throtle. 🕶️

First things first—let's talk about where I come from. We’re proud to have our roots planted firmly in the sandy shores of the Jersey Shore. Yes, the place with boardwalks, beach fries, and the occasional (okay, frequent) seagull swooping in to nab an unattended snack. And who better to embody our vibrant, coastal spirit than me, a seagull with a penchant for identity resolution and a beak for business?

When Throtle was looking for a mascot, they wanted someone who could capture the energy, resilience, and fun of our Jersey Shore origins. Naturally, they turned to me—a seagull who knows how to navigate the waves, dodge the beach umbrellas, and keep things light-hearted even when the digital tides get choppy.

So, what can you expect from working with Throtle? Think of it as a day at the beach—productive, exhilarating, and maybe even a little sandy. We're here to help you soar above the competition, just like I soar above those sunbathers (and their snacks). And don’t worry, we won’t dive-bomb your picnic; we’re all about giving you the best experience possible, with a side of that good ol’ Jersey Shore charm.

Whether you're here for the sun, the strategy, or just to catch a glimpse of me in action, welcome to Throtle. Together, we’re going to make waves in the world of identity.

Catch you on the flip side,

Sammy the Seagull

Throtle’s resident beach bum and mascot extraordinaire 🌊